130620 - [Twitter Update] Jimin

이제 쇼챔에서 흰색의상이 맘에 들었어요! 오늘의상이 궁금하지않나요?
[TRANS] I liked the white outfits from yesterday’s Show Champ! Aren’t you cruious about today’s outfits?

trans cr; Juliana @ bts-trans. 

Admin Sinead-Na ღ
130619 - TWITTER
기요미 빨간색모자 끼고 한컷ㅎ
지금은 쇼챔이 끝나고 퇴근중 이랍니다!ㅎ
오늘도 응원해주셔서 감사해요^^! pic.twitter.com/cFvgWpNbix

[JIMIN] One cut (photo) wearing a cute red hat ㅎ
Right now we’ve finished recording for Show Champion and we’re going home! ㅎ
Thanks a lot for your cheers today too ^^!

trans cr; Iraide @ bts-trans 

Admin Sinead-Na ღ
[JIMIN] Am I… charming? 

trans cr; Iraide @ bts-trans 

Admin Sinead-Na ღ
130616 - Jimin Twitter Update

지민이에요! 오늘 팬미팅 즐거웠어요ㅎ
조금 어색했었는데 다음엔
더 재미있게할게요!
와주셔서 고마워요! pic.twitter.com/WhS7ryHPY2

It's Jimin! Today's fanmeeting was fun heu I was a litle awkward this time but, next time, I'll enjoy it more! Thanks!

cr: BTS_Trans

Admin Sinead-Na ღ

아침에 커피를 마시는 남자다운 지민이 하핫ㅎ

[JIMIN] It’s a refreshing morning! The manly Jimin who is drinking coffee in the morning *laughs*

trans./cr: Iraide

Admin Sinead-Na

오늘 음중도 잘 마무리했어요~
선배님들 다들 너무 멋있으신것 같아요
나도 더 멋있어질꺼얏!. pic.twitter.com/Bb9sxj7jlv

[JIMIN] We did well today too at today’s Music Core~ I think all the sunbaenims were really cool, I’ll become cool too! pic.twitter.com/UcyhF5ULmb

trans cr; Iraide @ bts-trans
Admin ~Mimi~
130613 @BTS_twt: Jimin 

저희는 첫방을 끝내고도~
여러분께 더 멋진 무대를 보여드리기위해
연습실로 직행 했답니다~
저희 많이 응원해주세용ㅎ

[JIMIN] Me after finishing the first broadcast~ in order to show you a better stage I’ve gone straight to the practice room~ please, support us a lot pic.twitter.com/xAN8H3jFBF

trans cr; Iraide@ bts-trans

Admin Sinead-Na


    September 2013
    July 2013
    June 2013

